For many years, starting in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s the phrase “Office Automation” was bantered about, describing the end of office paper-based information and the new age of all electronic information; ‘the paperless society’. As we all know from our own experiences, this never occurred. More paper is being created today then ever before. The introduction of very high quality, very inexpensive printer technology brought with it the desire for everyone to have their own printing engines – right at their fingertips.
Today, we hear so much talk about ‘convergence’, the new buzzword being bantered about, describes the integration and coming together of all forms of media and information; the power of voice, data, video, audio, graphics, television, multi-media – all into one super powerful device – one all-in-one workstation that will provide both the management and movement of all information – to all people – at any time – all the time. Well, that remains to be seen.
There is no doubt that the acceleration of computer and communications technologies can enable ‘convergence’ to occur, however, it is the end user, just like it was for ‘office automation’ that will determine whether or not the applied technology will occur.
One interesting fact is very evident. The definitions of how computer and communication systems work, how they manage and move information, are converging – and melding – and combining - and integrating very rapidly. There are now over 500 books, periodicals, publications, all attempting to define systems and technologies; hardly any convergence here, more like divergence of information.
This is the main reason behind the preparation of S.T.A.N.D.; to help the reader to discover information about computer and communications systems in a book form that provides the beginnings of the convergence of information about systems, technologies, and network developments. This listing of approximately 4,000 or so definitions will help you find what your are looking for and get you pointed in the right direction, in your quest for more information on computer and communication systems.
A/V : Audio/Visual & Broadcasting
Communications : Communications Industry
Computer : Computer Systems and Industry
Electronics : Electronics and electrical information
Historic : Historic reference and beginnings
Mathematics : Mathematical referencing and information
Microelectronics : Microelectronics and Micro-Computer information
M/M : Multi-Media related information and systems
Networking: network related information and systems
Photonics : Terminology used in the Photonics Industry
Printer : Printer Systems and Printing related information