0 - to 9
0/1 knapsack problem (computer, mathematics, applications)
Given a set of items, each with a cost and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total cost is less than some given cost and the total value is as large as possible.
The 0/1 knapsack problem restricts the number of each item to zero or one. Such constraint satisfaction problems are often solved using dynamic programming.
The general knapsack problem is NP-hard, and this has led to attempts to use it as the basis for public-key encryption systems. Several such attempts failed because the knapsack problems they produced were in fact solvable by using polynomial-time algorithms.
1.TR.6 (computer, networking protocol)
A control channel protocol for ISDN. It was a national standard in Germany and was replaced by Euro-ISDN.
100BaseFX (computer, networking)
Fast Ethernet over Fibre Optic Cable
A version of Ethernet developed in the 1990s which can carry 100 Mbps compared with standard Ethernet's 10 Mbps. It requires upgraded network cards and hubs.
The relevant standards are 100BaseT, 100BaseFX and 100BaseVG.
100BaseT (computer, networking)
Any of several Fast Ethernet 100 MBps CSMA/CD standards for twisted pair cables, including: 100BaseTx (100 Mbps over two-pair Cat5 or better cable), 100BaseT4 (100 Mbps over four-pair Cat3 or better cable), 100BaseT2 (100 Mbps over two-pair Cat3 or better cable). All are standards (or planned standards) under IEEE 802.3.
100BaseTX (computer, networking)
The predominant form of Fast Ethernet. 100BaseTX runs over two pairs of wires in category 5 cable.
100BaseVG (computer, networking)
A 100 MBps Ethernet standard specified to run over four pairs of category 3 UTP wires (known as voice grade, hence the "VG"). It is also called 100VG-AnyLAN because it was defined to carry both Ethernet and token ring frame types. 100BaseVG was originally proposed by Hewlett-Packard, ratified by the ISO in 1995 and practically extinct by 1998.
100BaseVG started in the IEEE 802.3u committee as Fast Ethernet. One faction wanted to keep CSMA/CD in order to keep it pure Ethernet, even though the collision domain problem limited the distances to one tenth that of 10baseT. Another faction wanted to change to a polling architecture from the hub (they called it "demand priority") in order to maintain the 10baseT distances, and also to make it a deterministic protocol. The CSMA/CD crowd said, "This is 802.3, the Ethernet committee. If you guys want to make a different protocol, form your own committee".
The IEEE 802.12 committee was thus formed and standardized 100BaseVG. The rest is history.
10base2 (computer, networking)
(Or "cheapernet") The variant of Ethernet that uses thin coaxial cable (RG-58 or similar), as opposed to 10base5 cable. The "10" means 10 Mbps, "base" means "baseband" as opposed to radio frequency and "2" means a maximum single cable length of 200m.
10base5 (computer, networking)
An Ethernet network cabling specification operating at ten Mbps, "baseband" (as opposed to radio frequency), and with a maximum single cable length of 500 metres. This is normally carried on RG8 cable. Compare 10base2, 10baseT.
10baseT (computer, networking)
A variant of Ethernet which allows stations to be attached via twisted pair cable.
120 reset (computer, jargon)
/wuhn-twen'tee ree'set/ (After 120 volts, US mains voltage) To cycle power on a computer in order to reset or unjam it. Compare Big Red Switch, power cycle.
1394 (computer)
See High Performance Serial Bus
1541 (computer)
See Commodore 1541
1581 (computer)
See Commodore 1581
16 bit (computer, architecture)
Using words containing sixteen bits. This adjective often refers to the number of bits used internally by a computer's CPU. E.g. "The Intel 8086 is a sixteen bit processor". Its external data bus or address bus may be narrower. The term may also refer to the size of an instruction in the computer's instruction set or to any other item of data.
See also 16-bit application.
16450 (computer)
A UART with a 1-byte FIFO buffer. Superseded by the 16550.
16550 (computer)
A version of the 16450 UART with a 16-byte FIFO. Superseded by the 16550A.
16550A (computer)
A version of the 16550 UART. Superseded by the 16650.
16650 (computer)
A version of the 16550A UART with a 32-byte FIFO. Superseded by the 16750C.
16750C (computer)
A UART with a 64-byte FIFO.
1802 (computer)
An 8-bit microprocessor currently manufactured as CDP1802 by HARRIS Semiconductor. It has been around for ten years at least and is ideally suited for embedded applications. Some of its features are: 8-bit parallel organisation with bidirectional data bus and multiplexed address bus; static design -- no minimum clock frequency; bit-programmable output port; four input pins which are directly tested by branch instructions; flexible programmable I/O mode; single-phase clock, with on-chip oscillator; 16 x 16 register matrix to implement multiple program counters, pointers, or registers
1NF (computer)
See database normalisation
1TBS (computer, jargon)
See One True Brace Style.
See indent style.
In names of translation software, infix 2 often represents the word "to" with the connotation "translate to", as in dvi2ps (DVI to PostScript), int2string (integer to string) and texi2roff (Texinfo to [nt]roff).
2.PAK (computer, language)
An artificial intelligence language with co-routines.
["The 2.PAK Language: Goals and Description", L.F. Melli, Proc IJCAI 1975].
20-GATE (computer, language)
An algebraic language for the G-20, developed at Carnegie around 1965.
2780 (computer, protocol)
See Binary Synchronous Transmission (IBM)
2B+D (computer, networking)
See Basic Rate Interface (2 times the basic rate interface, plus 1 data channel)
2B1D (computer, networking)
See Basic Rate Interface (2 times the basic rate interface, plus 1 data channel)
2B1Q (computer, networking)
See two-binary, one-quaternary
2NF (computer, database)
See database normalisation
3-tier (computer, networking)
See three-tier
32-bit application (computer, architecture, application)
PC software that runs in a 32-bit flat address space. The term 32-bit application came about because MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows were originally written for the Intel 8088 and 80286 microprocessors. These are 16 bit microprocessors with a segmented address space. Programs with more than 64 kilobytes of code and/or data therefore had to switch between segments quite frequently. As this operation is quite time consuming in comparison to other machine operations, the application's performance may suffer.
Furthermore, programming with segments is more involved than programming in a flat address space, giving rise to some complications in programming languages like "memory models" in C and C++. The shift from 16-bit software to 32-bit software on IBM PC clones became possible with the introduction of the Intel 80386 microprocessor. This microprocessor and its successors support a segmented address space with 16-bit and 32 bit segments (more precisely: segments with 16- or 32-bit address offset) or a linear 32-bit address space. For compatibility reasons, however, much of the software is nevertheless written in 16-bit models.
Operating systems like Microsoft Windows or OS/2 provide the possibility to run 16-bit segmented programs as well as 32-bit programs. The former possibility exists for backward compatibility and the latter is usually meant to be used for new software development.
See also Win32s.
320xx (computer, microprocessor)
A series of microprocessors from National Semiconductor. The 320xx processors have a coprocessor interface which allows coprocessors such as FPUs and MMUs to be attached in a chain. The 320xx was the predecessor of the Swordfish processor.
3270 (computer, protocol)
See IBM 3270
3780 (computer, protocol)
See IBM 3780
386 (computer, microprocessor)
See Intel 80386
3Com Corporation (computer, networking)
A manufacturer of local area network (LAN) equipment. 3Com was founded in 1979. They acquired BICC Data Networks in 1992, Star-Tek in 1993, Synernetics in 1993, Centrum in 1994, NiceCom in 1994 AccessWorks, Sonix Communications, Primary Access and Chipcom in 1995 and Axon and OnStream Networks in 1996. They merged with U.S. Robotics in 1997.
3DNow! (computer)
A floating point SIMD extention from AMD.
3DNow! Professional (computer)
A floating point SIMD extention from AMD, compatible with Intel's SSE, introduced with the Athlon-4.
3DO (computer, specifications)
A set of specifications created and owned by the 3DO company, which is a partnership of
seven different companies. These specs are the blueprint for making a 3DO Interactive Multiplayer and are licensed to hardware and software producers.
A 3DO system has an ARM60 32-bit RISC CPU and a graphics engine based around two custom designed graphics and animation processors. It has 2 Megabytes of DRAM, 1 Megabyte of VRAM, and a double speed CD-ROM drive for main storage.
The Panasonic 3DO system runs 3DO Interactive software, plays audio CDs (including support for CD+G), views Photo-CDs, and plays Video CDs with a special add-on MPEG1 full-motion video cartridge. Up to 8 controllers can be daisy-chained on the system at once. A keyboard, mouse, light gun, and other peripherals can also be hooked into the system (December 1993).
The 3DO can display full-motion video, fully texture mapped 3d landscapes, all in 24-bit colour. Sanyo and AT&T release 3DO systems. Sanyo's in mid 1994 and AT&T in late 1994. A 3DO add-on cartridge is based on the PowerPC to enable the 3DO to compete with Sony's Playstation console Sega's Saturn console, both of which have a higher specification than the original 3DO. The add-on was commonly known as the M2 or Bulldog. It will (allegedly) do a million flat shaded polygons per second.
3GL (computer, language)
See third generation language
3NF (computer, application)
See database normalisation
3Station (computer)
The archetypical diskless workstation, developed by Bob Metcalfe at 3Com and first available in
1986/1987. The 3Station/2E had a 10 MHz 80286 processor, 1 MB of RAM (expandable to 5 MB), VGA compatible graphics with 256 KB of video RAM, and integrated AUI/BNC network transceivers for LAN access. The product used a single printed-circuit board with four custom ASICs. It had no floppy disk drive or hard disk, it was booted from a server and stored all end-user files there. 3Com advertised "significant cost savings" due to the 3Station's ease of installation and low maintenance (this would now be referred to under the banner of "TCO").
The 3Station cost somewhere between an IBM PC clone and an IBM PC of the day. It was not commercially successful.
4.2BSD (computer, language)
See Berkeley Software Distribution
404 (computer, jargon)
Someone who's clueless. From the World-Wide Web message "404, URL Not Found" meaning that the document you've tried to access can't be located. "Don't bother asking him...he's 404, man". 404 is one of the standard response codes of the telnet protocol on which the web's HTTP is based. The first 4 indicates a client error such as a mistyped URL. The middle 0 refers to a general syntax error. The last 4 just indicates the specific error in the group of 40x, which also includes 400: Bad Request, 401: Unauthorized, etc.
431A (computer, connector)
The type of plug which fits a standard "type 600" British Telecom telephone socket.
4510 (computer)
A 65CE02 with two 6526s.
Used in the Commodore 65.
473L Query (computer, language)
An English-like query language for the US Air Force 473L system.
[Sammet 1969, p. 665].
["Headquarters USAF Command and Control System Query Language", Info Sys Sci, Proc 2nd Congress, Spartan, Books 1965, pp.57-76].
486 (computer, processor)
See Intel 486
486SX (computer, processor)
See Intel 486SX
4GL (computer, language)
See fourth generation language
4NF (computer, application)
See database normalisation
51forth (computer, instruction set)
A subroutine-threaded Forth for the 8051 by Scott Gehmlich. It came with source and documentation.
56 kbps (computer, networking)
(56 kilobits per second)
The data capacity of a normal single channel digital telephone channel in North America. The figure is derived from the bandwidth of 4 kHz allocated for such a channel and the 16-bit encoding (4000 times 16 = 64000) used to change analogue signals to digital, minus the 8000 bit/s used for signalling and supervision. At the end of 1997 there were two rival modem designs capable of this rate: k56flex and US Robotics' X2. In February 1998 the ITU proposed a 56kbps standard called V.90, which was formally approved in September, 1998.
56k line (computer, networking, connection)
A digital connection (possibly a leased line, possibly switched) capable of carrying 56 kbps.
Compare DSO.
586 (computer)
What Intel's Pentium was not called.
5ESS Switch (computer, networking, switching systems)
The class 5 electronic switching system sold by Lucent Technologies. The 5ESS Switch is the digital central office circuit switching system many communication service providers use.
5NF (computer, application)
See database normalisation
5th Glove (computer, accessory)
A data glove and flexor strip kit (5th Glove DFK) sold by Fifth Dimension Technologies for $495 ($345 for the left-handed version, $45 for each extra flexor strip). The DFK provided a data glove, a flexon strip (with an elbow or knee-joint sensor), an interface card, cables, and KineMusica software. The package used flexible optical-bending sensing to track hand and arm movement. The glove could be used with 5DT's ultrasonic tracking system, the 5DT Head and Hand tracker ($245) (up to two metres away from the unit's transmitter).
6.001 (computer, education)
/siks dub*l oh wun/, /dub*l oh wun/ or rarely /siks dub*l oh fun/ MIT's introductory computer class for majors, known for its intensity. Developed by Gerald Sussman and Hal Abelson, the course is taught in Scheme and introduces recursion, higher-order functions, object-oriented programming and much more. Students who grasp the metacircular interpreter gain entry into the Knights of the Lambda-Calculus.
6.001 has been exported to several other colleges, sometimes successfully. The textbook, "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", written with Julie Sussman is a classic that can be found on the shelves of many computer scientists, whether they took the course or not. Legendary characters from the class, problem sets, and book include: the wise Alyssa P. Hacker, Ben Bitdiddle, Lem E. Tweakit and Eva Lu Ator, the careless Louis Reasoner and Captain Abstraction.
610 (computer, networking, connection)
The standard type of two-wire wall socket and plug used for telephones in Australia.
6309 (computer, processor)
See Hitachi 6309
64 bit (computer, architecture)
A computer architecture based around an ALU, registers, and data bus which are 64 bits wide.
64-bit processors were quite common in 1996, e.g. Digital Alpha, versions of Sun SPARC, MIPS, IBM AS/4000. the PowerPC and Intel moved to 64 bits at their next generation - PPC 620 and Intel P7. A 64-bit address bus allowed the processor to address 18 million gigabytes as opposed to the mere 4 gigabytes allowed with 32 bits. There were in 1996 already hard disks which could hold over 4GB. Floating point calculations would also be more accurate.
A 64-bit OS was needed as well to take advantage of the CPU. In 1986 there were only a few 64-bit operating systems, including OS/400, Digital Unix, Solaris (partialy). A 32-bit OS could run on a 64-bit CPU.
6501 (computer, processor)
An eight-bit microprocessor, the first sold by MOS Technologies. The 6501 was pin-compatible with the Motorola 6800 and was the first member of the 650x series. It had an on-chip clock oscillator.
See also 6502.
6502 (computer, processor)
An eight-bit microprocessor designed by MOS Technologies around 1975 and made by Rockwell. Unlike the Intel 8080 and its kind, the 6502 had very few registers. It was an 8-bit processor, with 16-bit address bus. Inside was one 8-bit data register (accumulator), two 8-bit index registers and an 8-bit stack pointer (stack was preset from address 256 to 511). It used these index and stack registers effectively, with more addressing modes, including a fast zero-page mode that accessed memory locations from address 0 to 255 with an 8-bit address (it didn't have to fetch a second byte for the address).
Back when the 6502 was introduced, RAM was actually faster than CPUs, so it made sense to optimize for RAM access rather than increase the number of registers on a chip. The 6502 was used in the BBC Microcomputer, Apple II, Commodore, Apple Computer and Atari personal computers. Steve Wozniak described it as the first chip you could get for less than a hundred dollars (actually a quarter of the 6800 price).
The 6502's indirect jump instruction, JMP (xxxx), was broken. If the address was hexadecimal xxFF, the processor would not access the address stored in xxFF and xxFF + 1, but rather xxFF and xx00. The 6510 did not fix this bug, nor was it fixed in any of the other NMOS versions of the 6502 such as the 8502. Bill Mensch at Western Design Center was probably the first to fix it, in the 65C02. The 6502 also had undocumented instructions. The 65816 was an expanded version of the 6502.
There was a 6502 assembler by Doug Jones which supports macros and conditional features and could be used for linkage editing of object files. It requires Pascal.
See also cross-assembler, RTI, Small-C.
650x (computer, processor)
A family of microprocessors from MOS Technologies, based on the design of the Motorola 6800 (introduced around 1975). The family included the 6502 used in several early personal computers.
6510 (computer, processor)
A successor to the 6502. The 6510 was used in the Commodore 64C. Successors included the 8502 used in the Commodore 128 line.
65816 (computer, processor)
An expanded version of the 6502, with which it is compatible. It has 16-bit index registers and stack pointer, a 16-bit direct page register and a 24-bit address bus. Used in later models of the Apple II.
6800 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 6800
68000 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68000
68020 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68020
68030 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68030
68040 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68040
68050 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68050
68060 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68060
6809 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 6809
680x0 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 680x0
686 (computer, processor)
See Pentium Pro or Cyrix 6x86.
68HC11 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68HC11
68LC040 (computer, processor)
See Motorola 68LC040
6x86 (computer, processor)
See Cyrix 6x86
709 (computer)
See IBM 709
754 (computer, standards)
IEEE Floating Point Standard
8 queens problem (computer, programming)
See eight queens puzzle
8 queens puzzle (computer, programming)
See eight queens puzzle
8-bit clean (computer, programming)
See eight-bit clean
8.3 (computer, programming)
A common shorthand for the limits on filename length imposed by the file system used by MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows - at most eight characters, followed by a ".", followed by a filename
extension of at most three characters. Windows 95 supported long filenames by using multiple directory entries per file. The extra entries were hidden. It also automatically derived an 8.3 name for each file for backward compatibility so that older versions of DOS could still access the file.
80186 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 80186
80188 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 80188
802.11a (computer, networking, protocol)
A radio-based LAN protocol which speaks OFDM at 5GHz, one of the two wi-fi protocols.
802.11b (computer, networking, protocol)
A radio-based LAN protocol which speaks DSSS at 2.4GHz, one of the two wi-fi protocols.
802.2 (computer, networking, protocol)
See IEEE 802.2
802.3 (computer, networking, protocol)
See IEEE 802.3
80286 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 80286
8031 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 8031
80386 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 80386
8048 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 8048
80486 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 486
8051 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 8051
8052 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 8052
8080 (computer, microprocessor)
See Intel 8080
8086 (computer, microprocessor)
See Intel 8086
8088 (computer, microprocessor)
See Intel 8088
80x86 (computer, microprocessor)
See Intel 80x86
822 (computer)
See RFC 822
82430FX (computer)
See Triton I
82430HX (computer)
See Triton II
82430MX (computer)
See Mobile Triton
82430VX (computer)
See Triton VX
8514 (computer, graphics standard)
An IBM graphics display standard supporting a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with 256 colours at 43.5 Hz (interlaced), or 640 x 480 at 60 Hz interlaced. 8514 was introduced at the same time as VGA and was superseded by XGA.
88000 (computer, architecture)
See Motorola 88000
88open (computer, standards)
A consortium with the aim of creating a multi-vendor open computing environment based on the Motorola
88000 RISC processor family (computer, architecture)
8N1 (communications, standards)
Common shorthand for "eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit", the most common configuration for serial lines, e.g. EIA-232.
8x86 (computer, microprocessor, architecture)
See Intel 80x86
90-90 Rule (computer)
See Ninety-Ninety Rule
9PAC (computer, application)
See IBM 709 PACkage.
A report generator for the IBM 709, developed in 1959.
[Sammet 1969, p.314. "IBM 7090 Prog Sys, SHARE 7090 9PAC Part I: Intro and Gen Princs", IBM J28-6166, White Plains, 1961].